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BloodtoBaby Team #InItTogether 

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Hannah Tizard @midwifetiz

Midwife, Midwifery Educator at UCLan and Optimal Cord Clamping Campaigner

Hannah founded BloodtoBaby in 2015, she creates the resources, campaigns for OCC and runs the website. She concentrates her efforts with like-minded individuals - all who support optimal cord clamping. Materials have been distributed to women, midwives, doulas and healthworkers as far as Australia, Bangladesh and the Gaza strip.

Now 6 years on, BloodtoBaby has thousands of followers and tens of thousand website hits a month. Members receive updates on new blogs and the ability to order resources free of charge. As well as being a university lecturer, Hannah provides talks at midwifery conferences and workshops, both online and face to face.


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Continuation of this work necessitates passion, time and energy. To sustain and celebrate this success I have invited inspiring and dedicated team members to join BloodtoBaby, bio's below. Please do let me know if you wish to contribute!

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George Brooks

Advanced Neonatal Nurse Practitioner

An integral team member at Northumbria - a  cutting edge trust where optimal cord clamping has been practised for  >10 years. Rates of resuscitation at birth droped by nearly 70%. Delivery rooms are resuscitaire-free zones using bedside resuscitation to avoid immediate cord clamping.

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Elisabeth Sæther

Consultant Midwife

Elisabeth is a Midwife from Norway and has a special interest in optimal cord clamping. Elisabeth assisted in the translation of the infographics into Norwegian and has just finished her Masters thesis 'Neonatal transitional support with intact umbilical cord in assisted vaginal deliveries: a quality improvement cohort'. Elisabeth is highly influential in the education of birth professionals internationally.


Cheryl Samuals

NHS Midwife and Antenatal and Hypnobirthing Teacher

Cheryls passions include 

supporting midwives to facilitate optimal cord clamping - understanding that it can change the future health of children. Using the strategy 'one baby at a time' in her work she maximises education opportunities. She joins the BloodtoBaby team because she wants to continue promoting optimal cord clamping but on a larger scale. Insta: @the_holistic_midwife


Prof Andrew Weeks

Professor of International Women's Health

Andrew Weeks is Professor of International Maternal Health Care at the University of Liverpool and Consultant Obstetrician at Liverpool Women's. Andrew Weeks’ primary interest is in the translation of maternity care from high to low resource settings. He has developed the new Baby Saver - a simple plastic unit where babies can be resuscitated without having to separate them from their mothers. Andrew is also the co-inventor of a similar, but far more complex, device called the LifeStart trolley.

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Deborah Neiger

Independent Midwife in Yorkshire

Deborah has a passion for relationship based, individualised maternity care for women and their families. Her default practice has been optimal cord clamping for most of her professional life. She also has a special interest in neonatal resuscitation with an intact cord. Insta: @debsagos

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